Here It Comes, (2016)
HD video sound, 00:42 loop
I made Here It Comes during my first year at Hunter's MFA program, while taking Constance DeJong's "Sound" class. She later became my thesis advisor, and a year after graduating from the program I included her in "I Can't Tell You Because I Can't Tell You", a group show about the treachery of narrative which I curated at 601Artspace in the LES.
This piece started as a simple exercise for class, which simply asked to replace a video's original sound with something else. I picked a short video of gentle waves which I shot a couple of years before on the shallow end of a beach in Le Havre, France. I replaced the sounds of the ocean with a soundtrack I made by recording my own voice whispering two overlapping sentences, repeated many times: "Here it comes" and "It's coming". I was trying to make a replica of the ocean's sounds with my voice, but also going for something between anticipation and anxiety. It's a ridiculous thing to feel in front of such a calm sea, but isn't the internal landscape always more powerful than the external one?